Saturday, May 10, 2014

Mother's Day Lemonade

    When life hands you lemons, make lemonade, right?  Being a mom to little kids is one tough job!  Full of challenges and exhaustion.  Our speaker at Mops, reminded us that it won't be forever and not to lose hope as you struggle.  It must have really stuck in my mind, because as things were driving me crazy, my outlook started to change.

*now before I get started, let me just say that our speaker is a wonderful, godly, sophisticated woman with lots of great advice and it's just my nutty, twisted brain that takes advice and make a weird turn

Once again Nathan had taken his diaper off when he was suppose to be napping and peed all over his mattress.  As I was taking of his sheet, sanitizing, and chasing my half naked little animal, I realized something.  Those diaperless adorable hiney cheeks won't last forever! One day they will be hairy man cheeks!!! One day, they will probably be exposed when he is wearing his pants too low or he is mooning his sister's friends. Suddenly, I am treasuring these tiny hiney days! This led to a whole list of things:

One day they will not screaming and crying like they are trying for an Oscar when they get a little itty bitty scrape, but then they will know that your kiss is not magical and won't cure it all

One day Nathan will stop eating parts of our home and he will be eating us out of out of house and home.  Dirt and crumbs are a lot cheaper than the amount of food a teenage boy eats

Right now Syd is constantly sneaking into our room and one day she might be trying to sneak out of the house

It's frustrating when the world seems to end if you leave the room or try and do something so selfish, like pee by yourself, but one day they will probably do their best to NOT be seen with you

It will be a heck of a lot harder to settle battles over who gets the car versus the melt downs over sharing balloons. You can't just blow up another car

One day they will stop waking you up super early and you will have no good excuse for why you look haggard and tired

It makes me crazy when Syd spazzes out when I brush her hair, but one day I will have to deal with an emotional teen crying about her hair and her looks.  That emotional mine field will be more challenging than just pinning her down and grabbing detangler

One day I will get to take a shower in peace and it will give time to notice just how evil gravity and time are! Having someone yell "mommy" every 5 seconds doesn't seem so bad huh??

It can be annoying never being able to listen to your music on the radio, but one day they will be older and you will look so weird going to the Wiggles concert by yourself  

Have a happy Mother's day! Think positively and laugh often!  Remember Hairy man cheek days are ahead, don't wish away the tiny hiney days!